Wednesday, July 8, 2009

h today means HEALTHY

i had an acupuncture appt. today. 1st one with this particular dr. way out on 35th and irving - far far away. yeah that is how the sunset feels to me! small, bare bones office out of something that looked like it used to be a house. they sat me down at the front desk and asked "what's wrong?". um - i need some privacy. so i go into a small room off to the side with the receptionist (who is the translator) and the dr. a nice older chinese man. the whole conversation was me telling something to the lady and then she saying in chinese to him what i felt. i could understand some but not all. medical terminology is not the conversational chinese i can understand. at one point i told them about the time i went to someone when i was pregnant with chunk and he cut my ear to bleed me. yup that's it. the dr. shook his head and said we don't do that in the us - only china. i tell them everything. they say i am pale and sickly, he shook his head when he saw my tongue and then pulled my lower eyelid down and did not like what he saw. dude - i told you i lost alot of blood! i get ushered into the tiny room and lay on the paper covered table. he puts some needles in me - that is nothing to me - i love it. until i start to uncontrollably cough! well those needles are in there and when the muscles tense it is not fun. it gets worse. i then go through cupping - something new for me - it's like i have to lay there still as they lay a giant octopuses all over me and their tentacles are sucking away! ouch! i have big purple circles all down my back. just weird. i have to go 3 days a week for the next month. no joke. i have to get better and this is how i'm going to do it.

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