Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The official end to summer

It's always on labor day, the signal of the end of summer. The only problem is that the sf school system starts the beginning of august for some reason. So our summer has been over for awhile. But it didn't stop us from taking advantage of our little spot of outside that we have in the city. The trampoline came out, play structure, sand and water table and grill. Friends with lots of kids invited. In reality, the kids played wii up in the apartment, all 9 of them and the adults went and enjoyed the over 80 degrees that we never get to experience in our back yard. B kept the beer fresh in everyones hands and grilled his little butt off to keep us all fed. The trampoline became a lounger and we got our vitamin D while speaking of all things inappropriate. It was a beautiful time!

Monday, August 9, 2010

WishIng I could shop or I mean stop

I am pulling the reigns so tight on my shopping that my arms are so cut right now from the tension. Did it stop me from receiving boxes of 2 off the shoulder mini dresses and one silk strapless mini bubble dress while I was on vacation? I also just bordered a pair of grey booties today. Can't post pics from this damn iPad or you would see. Oh, also bought package deal for a spa. Did I just spent over a month on vacation and spent a bundle? If someone can help me I would be so appreciative.

Sleepless in sf

2:30 in the morning and proud that I finally figured out how to blog from my phone. Hey it's been awhile and I haven't said anything. There's been lovely purchases, beauty splurges and vacations and radio silence from me.

What is keeping me up? Thinking about getting a job. Not an actual job (that used to keep me up too). But just thinking it's about time. How much to get paid, how much do I want to work, what category of the industry do I get into.

Then I start thinking I need a work space and where it needs to go and what new furniture I need to buy, etc etc. Decorating where in the shoe box?

I then think I have ADD and then maybe should call my dr to make sure I don't. Then I think maybe I should take up meditating to get this monkey mind to calm down. Then I can get the answers. Then it's another visit to amazon.com to find a book to teach me how to sit still.

I hope I'm like everyone else if not maybe dr wong does need a call from me.

Or maybe it was that late nap I took that is wreaking havoc on my sleep schedule.

Got that all out and I'm still not tired. Tmrw is going to suck!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

bikram vs. dailey method

1 day post dailey method. a little sore - nothing compared to bikram. the total body exhaustion and soreness is not there. today i am a bit sore in places where i haven't been before, like my lower abdomen. which is good b/c i need help there! i joined this month and we will see if i am in shape for vegas - baby! i know a cliche but it i'm going to look slutty i don't want to be flabby slutty.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

yoga no more

my short but sweet visit into the world of fitness must come to an end. the last few months i have done yoga i have left with or shortly there after gotten a headache. tried to talk myself into the fact that it was dehydration. they all say that. but why when i broke down and went to the chiropractor a few weeks ago it changed my life when he put my neck back into place. i think there is too much compression on my spine from some of the poses. i was debilitated today and downright abusive to my family because of the pain. i kicked a toy across the room. i do not need to be displaying that sort of behavior at all! so tomorrow i will have to go explain to them how this is not playing a beneficial role in my life and i would like the last few months credited back to me. wish me luck as every dollar counts now!

i'm thinking of starting the bar or dailey method for the next month to shape up for vegas.

happy and fat better than skinny and raving lunatic right?

speaking on what keeps me happy - baked goods. i think i am going to try a baking trifecta for the boys bday party this coming weekend. micah wants a big cake, kaden will get cupcakes and then the kids will get a nice big cookie to take home. all while keeping some important appoints - my oncologist and a preschool visit. both appointments i need everyone's well wishes.

off to bed!