Wednesday, October 26, 2011

At least you have your health

When you are going through a rough time and someone pulls that out of their pocket it always means nothing...until NOW. 3 surgeries in 3 years! 2 kids, 1 husband, 1 kidnapped cat and new house, great job and I don't have my health.

I am currently 3 days post-op, hoping I will be able to have enough energy to cook dinner for the family soon. For gods sake I haven't even had a target run! We don't even have a microwave or a broom nor curtains. I want to not have someone tell me I'm too skinny! I want to work with clarity! I want to wear heels all the time. Well I do have my priorities.

There is my old life that I want back. It is simple but in a new house that I want to take advantage of now! That's another blog, I won't get into that now. I't not complicated, it's simple.

I want to be the one saying at least I have my health...

Monday, October 24, 2011

So lovely and what a deal!

Loeffler Randall has done it to me again! Shopping has stopped since we are carrying 2 mortgages but I couldn't pass these up! Thank you for letting me indulge without breaking the bank!

Welcome to the jungle!

Right off the freeway in
Marin, we found our house, we found OUR Eichler. It's been a month. My city boy is shocked at the wildlife, coyotes, turkeys, deer, raccoons and lizards. The mountain lion is the one last creature I hope not to cross. Enjoy the pics. We love it, people over every weekend. Who knew that across the street from the mall there would be a zoo!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today sucked

There is no other word to describe it. I am used to the 12 hour work days and busting my ass. I should not define one situation and have it define me but I can't help but take it personally. Do I really speak as if I'm from mars? I do have to rethink future strategies in having to deal with certain folk. If spoon speeding if what is needed I will have to do it. I do hate this now. Today will be better.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Gung hay fat choy!

Happy lunar new year! We celebrate, drag my Czech hubby and my hapa kids through all the usual superstitious Hulla balloo. Clean house, no bad thoughts, red envelopes full of money, hair cuts and no hair washing and lots of family dinners. They are good sports about it. But it meant I had to do a presentation to the president company with 3 day dirty hair. Not ideal but the meeting went well so I'm going to keep on presenting with dirty hair if it means the rest of my year goes well.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

WHat's the damages?

Wanted to lay low, conserve money and Not so a big party this year for the kids so instead I did a bunch of little ones. Let's see the damge and see if it's worth it.

Bday brunch $60
Cake at gmas $35
Cake with friends $45

Lego store $150
Build a bear $50
House of air with buddie $45
Pizza for party at school $40
Home party with snacks and cake. $100

Nope not worth it. One big party for both and everone come.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I thought a few weeks ago. Hey why not have a small gathering of m loves school friends for some fun and cake. I sent a note to 6 classmates parents and included "drop off" ok. I didn't think that all the parents would drop their kid off at a practical strangers house. Boy was I wrong! 2 on the dot they all arrived within 10 minutes of each other and just a hello and see you later. Then at exactly 4:20 they started leaving until 4:30. They all had left. No problem, I thought this is easier than having the parents around except for having the proportion of alpha males be higher than 1. They were down right crazy pants. I tried to calm them and got called out on "you just want to have us stand here with our hands by our sides". Why yes, that would have been more preferrable but I let them have fun until crying or blood. I expected more blood. 2 girls played with the crafts and the boys beat the crap out of each other the entire time. I need a Valium and a massage.

Hello stranger

Life in the last four months have been nothing but intense. I was called for a few jobs and finally was talked into one and have been doing nothing but working since. Anywhere grim 65 to about 50 hours a week regularly and about 4 of those weeks was around 40. What a sham. I miss my kids but I only want to do a good job. I can't do it 1/2 way. But the family thing I definitely am. I didn't do a holidy card or calendar, didn't make it to more than one field trip, didn't make it to one celebration for either of their birthdays at school and see them about 2 times a week before they go to bed. Lord knows what they are doing with big B alone everyday. That's 3 boys with no discipline. All I know is when I come home M love jumps up and will say I didn't play wii today! And Kaden is staring into the set. When I was off there was no wii except a 1/2 hour on weekends and tv was not turned on in th daytime except for a 1/2 hour before bed to relax. There are bags of chips and some sweet artificial soda or Gatorade on the counter. Their activities all encompass things I never let them do on my watch. M love never has his reading log done on Wednesday and there is no checking of his homework. For some reason I could
work before and get things done. Now I can only work and trust that the kids are not going to die under their fathers care but not anything more is added to their development. I do it my way, he does it his. I trust I will get this balance thing one day it's just taking longer than I expected!