Wednesday, October 26, 2011

At least you have your health

When you are going through a rough time and someone pulls that out of their pocket it always means nothing...until NOW. 3 surgeries in 3 years! 2 kids, 1 husband, 1 kidnapped cat and new house, great job and I don't have my health.

I am currently 3 days post-op, hoping I will be able to have enough energy to cook dinner for the family soon. For gods sake I haven't even had a target run! We don't even have a microwave or a broom nor curtains. I want to not have someone tell me I'm too skinny! I want to work with clarity! I want to wear heels all the time. Well I do have my priorities.

There is my old life that I want back. It is simple but in a new house that I want to take advantage of now! That's another blog, I won't get into that now. I't not complicated, it's simple.

I want to be the one saying at least I have my health...

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