Wednesday, June 17, 2009

frozen confection and 5mg valium will make it better

i just wolfed down a haagen daaz almond vanilla ice cream bar - just picked some melted chocolate off my shirt. all very charming. 1/2 a valium earlier this evening when i got home. all this to appease my unrest about my first born. m love had a good day at school except he will not eat his lunch when he it is the time to eat lunch but during silent reading time and the humming he does is not appreciated. i get more and more nervous that he is not as normal as he should be. but then he builds the most incredible sculpture at school that the teacher is in awe of. it is a series of squares that get increasingly bigger and curve into an s shape. he did one and then a mirror image of it and then twisted together. i will try to post - but almost creepy how amazing it was. i know it is his third day and i maybe taking the feedback all too personally. i need to get thicker skin. but he doesn't even have skin.

tomorrow we are going w/miss m and n to circus showcase - more acrobatics. hope they like it. it will be nice to go just the 4 of us. i am also going to Launch - the big kick off dance party for gay pride week at the regency ballroom on saturday. big week. need to shake some bad mojo off.

i am 50% wanting to go ask for a job. start part time for now and then go full time when things get better. i know not a good idea! talk me out of it!

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