Sunday, May 31, 2009

the big boulder theory

why am i so nervous about tomorrow? i am really doing it! or am i really doing it? i can probably stop it now if i wanted to but i don't think i will. why not wait until i am 39 to get my first tattoo and leave my job in an unstable economy? the way i see it - how bad can it be to spend the next year with the chunk? get m love off to school and then find another job? my kind of job is not easy to if you are new at it but i am definately not new. i just have to keep up the young appearance. therefore - we are on a budget but botox is still in that budget. no one knows i am mad any more. my husband has joked that i am starting to over compensate another part of my face to show distaste. hope i do not start new wrinkles there!

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