Tuesday, September 15, 2009

finally a lunching like a lady!

so i had an idea of my time off as a lady who lunched. not so many lunches but more errands, kids stuff and what not. but i did have lunch today with DD a former colleague from work. she no longer works there and has by far lived it up more than anyone i know. it's been 4 months for her and i think she has been home about 5 of those days. the travel bug had always had it's teeth buried deep within her but it is on over drive now with out a job to have to go to.

i went to meet her at pacific catch on chestnut and it was soooo good! i had the ahi poke bowl with brown rice - it had avocado, seaweed salad and a refreshing daikon salad also. kind of like a bi bim bop. there is one here in the sunset that i look forward to going to if it is not as small and busy.

all in all it was fabulous company and fabulous food. funny how just a few months can make you drift apart from all these people you used to spend over 40 hrs a week with. the important ones will linger.

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