we are into the first few hours of me not working - today was my last day of 10 1/2 years of talking about jeans. i did not say goodbye. i didn't feel it was necessary to send out the email to everyone i've ever worked with. i do not feel my time of no title is going to last that long.
i also have to change the title of this blog - mommy, shoes and life? nope - no more work - can't buy shoes - still a mommy. we'll see if i can come up with something appropriate when i am out of my anemic state. as i write i am in an iron deficient haze of exhaustion. big b keeps reminding me -you were just discharged from the hospital 72 hours ago - GO REST!
i want to make lists and check off little boxes - i actually think i bought some note paper that had boxes where i can make notes. this is going to take some getting used to. i am going to rest one week and then pressure myself to get things done.
soo tired, i have a headache and i'm thirsty. i have an appt. with the surgeon tomorrow and i am going to ask for all the gory details. i need to know what happened to me while i was under in a room with 4 men on saturday.
sounds more fun than it was. i'll stop complaining now.
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