still trying to get used to this blogging thing - is it just what ever you are thinking at the time? is it only interesting stuff? is it my personal journal? it all will not work if i can't figure out how to press that little save button down there as i keep losing my numerous "musings"
xmas eve - is when my family celebrates and xmas - what me and and my boys do is now over. awesome! as m love really appreciates his gifts now and enjoys them. the chunk is still more interested in the paper it is wrapped in. i love having kids just for the fact i get to experience everything for the first time through their eyes. they are the dear little loves of my life. god forbid but i think i want another - there i said it. i can't afford it but i have fear that i will be bored when they are self sufficient in a few years. i know i am insane but i had to get it out. there it is - i'll probably feel differently tomorrow.
the planning is not over - i have chunk's birthday 1/8 and m love's is 1/24. m is the first born so he had 3 parties - friends and kids pizza, traditional red egg and ginger chinese banquet and smaller family party - wait make that 4 b/c on the day we had a great turkish dinner to celebrate with his girlfrind anya and their family. chunk being the 2nd is making me indecisive. will not go all out - but what is in between? i think a small open house party so our friends can come and go - very casual. m love of course is getting the indiana jones - swing on ropes, trampolines and zipline party at the gymnastics place. i also have to go to new york for work for a week in between all of this.
oh one more small thing - sign up for kindergarten in sf that i won't get into. another blog topic.
my most important task of the day was to get on the and take advantage of the 75% sale and buy myself some more clothes to go with my shoes and boots. go get in on some great deals - is good too for cool designer stuff with some good sales right now.